Hello friends , I’m so excited that you’re here.

Do you want to expand your intuitive gifts and fully trust your inner guidance?

Open hearted and sensitive people are desperately needed as leaders on Earth right now, so many people are in pain and struggling during this often bumpy and fast awakening journey.

You’re unique talents and light can help them. It’s time for you to finally and proudly share your gifts and be fully seen in world.

Available Courses

Light Language Activation Course


Do you ever wish you had could activate your healing powers?

Light language is a powerful multi-dimensional healing tool that will be a really helpful addition to your spiritual tool box!

With 10 hours worth of original content I share techniques that will support you to begin speaking, drawing and voicing your own powerful light language. These tools will activate your own unique light codes which can initiate deep physical, emotional, and spiritual healing!

This one-of-a-kind online course will teach you how to reawaken your healing abilities, reconnect with your galactic guides, and how to uncover your innate wisdom!

This course will help you to 'turn up the volume' to reveal your souls full expression as you connect deeply with your multi-dimensional self!

Maybe you've been drawn to spiritual influencers sharing light language on social media and are curious about how this lightcodes could enhance your own intuition and accelerate your personal ascension journey?

Your teacher Sarah is a psychic healer and Starseed. She's had life long contact with Star beings and channelled Light Language for nearly 10 years. Sarah also has a unique gift of being able to channel a person's Soul Signature energy into a beautiful encoded artwork. Once the picture is complete Sarah will read the frequency held within the artwork and translate that into a deeply personal reading and description of your soul.

It's time for you to discover how magical you really are!

Soul Signature Portrait

Your unique soul vibration channelled into a physical artwork. Every line, shape, colour and marking represents an aspect of you which I can psychically tune into and share in the accompanying video reading.

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